Covid Vaccination Sentiment Analysis using Twitter Feed
By: Nishant
This project does a sentiment analysis of covid vaccination data using twitter's api. The project is written in Python
and uses a couple of python packages like Tweepy, NLTK, SciKit Learn, WordCloud, etc to query the Twitter API and do a
sentiment analyis on the tweets.
Some of the keywords that have been used are: Covid Vaccine, Covid Booster.
Following are the steps that are done to conduct a sentiment analyis:
- Choosing the keywords for live search: (Covid booster).
- Running the live search using Twitter API by leveraging tweepy.
- Using Sentiment Analyzer to see if the tweets are positive, negative or neutral
- Creating visualizations to categorize the tweets as positive, negative or neutral.
- Creating a word cloud for different categories of the tweets.
- Cleaning up the tweets to remove punctuation, stopwords and stemming.
- Showing the most user words in the search.
- Creating bigrams & trigrams.