The project aims to compare the number of male and female writers born in the U.S. from 1900 to 2000 and the change of proportions. Wikidata is the source of datasets. I wanted to know the number of male and female writers born in these years, so I wrote the code to filter these properties. Without downloading it manually from the browser, I generated the data via the Python script by using ‘Requests’. I then used Python to count the number of male and female writers born in every 20 years. After printing out the results, I put them in an Excel file to get the related proportions. Finally, I used Tableau to visualize the outcomes. The conclusion is that the number of men writers born from 1900 to 1980 is larger than the number of female writers born in these years. While from 1980 to 2000, more female writers were born than male writers. The proportion of female writers first decreased then increased from 1900 to 2000. I guess the proportion change has something to do with feminist movements during the years.