Two companion Twitter bots, @snowinginithaca & @snowedinithaca both analyze weather patterns in Ithaca, NY. Snowing in Ithaca is a small passion project, started in 2014, when I collected data by looking out the window. After 2017, tweets were compiled by IFTTT triggers. Now, in 2020, current weather data is sourced using the OpenWeather API and pushed with Tweepy.
Snowed in Ithaca is a new bot that replies to its companion with the last year it snowed on a given date. Snowed in Ithaca calls on the NOAA Web Services v2 API alongside @crvaden's NOAA API module and also tweets with Tweepy. This bot also uses pytz and dateutil to navigate timezones and dates. NOAA data is sourced from Cornell University's weather station, with local weather data from 1893-present. Snowed in Ithaca only replies if more than half an inch of snow was recorded.
These bots were difficult to test during their development, as so much of their final form relies on the randomness of the weather. Likely minor adjustments will have to be made throughout the first winter the bots are active.